What we think we believe and what our subconscious believes can be two very different things. It’s my job to set things straight.
Private Holistic Healing Sessions
Starting at $135. 60 to 90 minutes. Evening sessions are $165.
Palm Springs Wellness Retreat
4-5 days overnight in a full immersion wellness retreat guided by Joellen Elaine.
Email or call to book a session.
July 15, 10 AM PST and July 22, 10 AM PST: Magic Monday
On the 3rd and 4th Monday of every month, I host a Magic moment on Mondays starting at 10 AM (California time) for anyone who wants to talk about healing money issues. Let’s solve poverty. Magic Mondays are fully interactive and as long as you pop on before 10:30 am, I could stay until noon. Let’s move our mountains together!!!
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8982224204?pwd=MzlUakFtdC9uaFJFZ1U1UGpTeTNQdz09
The magic is in the decision.
Joellen Elaine
Serving the Coachella Valley, surrounding areas, and the world virtually.
(213) 444-3826